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Extra Resources

Simply Speak provides three additional learning methods, making language learning even more engaging and exciting. The three additional learning methods are Theme of the Week, Idioms of the Week, and Mispronounced Words. These extra resources are posted weekly on our Instagram profile, and they can also be consulted below by clicking on the desired post.

Theme of the Week

consisted of a member of Simply Speak–typically an instructor–introducing sample conversations. As one goes through the slides, the audio engages the viewers and further exposes them to the language. There are also subtitles, allowing to readily follow what is being said.

Idioms of the Week

allows individuals to learn everyday expressions they might encounter as English learning newcomers. These expressions are always related to the theme in said week.

Mispronounced Words

consist of a member of Simply Speak introducing words which they think are likely to get mispronounced. Phonetic spellings of words related to the weekly theme are provided whether they are found in the teaching slides or not. Each slide provides the right and wrong phonetic pronunciations rather than the phonetic spellings (more complex), which is commonly found in dictionaries, along with the voice over and the subtitles! The slideshow also offers examples of sentences in which the words are used.

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